Sunday 17 May 2009

Fishing at Lodge 160509

So after a bit of a late start I headed back out to Lodge in the hope of some bream. Got there, got half my kit out to discover in my rush to leave the house I hads forgotten both my landing nets and my unhooking mat.. So I packed everything up again and headed to Borden Angling Centre for the necessary items, getting myself a useful folding trout net for later in the season, so not all bad. Back to Lodge and the far right swim by the dam was free on the nearside, so plumped for that as it was now nearly midday and would save the walk round. I lobbed a method out to the dam on the quiver and fished a float in front of me next to some lillies.

Caught a small roach on the method straight away but then it was fairly quiet. I'm very pleased with my new John Wilson avon / quiver rod, plenty of power, perfectly balanced, great finish and really doo bite indication on the quiver. On the float I was straight into small roach and gudgeon on maggots so changed to corn for some slight better sized roach and skimmers. This went on for a while, but the float wasn't looking as though it would produce anything useful and fishing an inline elasticated method on a quiver I decided probably wasn't the best approach for bream. On top of this, I found the lake to be much shallower on the nearside, I had a hunch the bream would be further out.

So I set up a carp rod with the remaining reel I had, fishing 30g method, but this time running, to a size eight hook with a hair rigged 10mm boilie - hoping to get into some bigger bream. Having eventually found a place I could get a rod rest in the ground just off the hard packed gravel, I fired the method out a good 40 - 50% away across the lake and set it up running, with freespool on and a bobbin. Meanwhile I sacked the float rod and set the quiver up with a maggot feeder about 25% out, but this never did any good.

It was only about 10 mins before I had a good run on the method and leapt out of my chair to get across to the rod (have since bought a rod pod to deal with the hard packed gravel everywhere). I struck into the fish but it was off almost straight away. I searched up the dam again with a few casts at longer range, but bites definitely only came when away from the dam in clear water. After changing to a t-shaped boilie stop as they kept falling off with the dumb bell type, I got another run and was pleased to land a bream of about 4lb. From there on in they were unstoppable, with runs coming only 5 - 10 mins after casting. I stopped weighing anything that looked under five lbs then was very pleased to land a PB of about 8lbs - a fish with a big fat belly on it. Despite the freespool on my reel failing, making playing fish very difficult, the runs kept coming. This, it seems, is defintely the way to catch bream at Lodge. Frustratingly I had to leave early to get back as Fullers was doing a dinner party, but had I remained I think they would have kept coming. So next time it will the same rig on two rods, setup on a pod with bobbins - I'm expecting a sack full of bream and inevitably the odd carp.

The old John Wilson TV programs always had him fishing a similar setup for bream, so I reckon using a combination of the new method feeder, with the old free running technique is the way to go. No need for this self hooking stuff it seems, as apart from losing one fish I didn't miss a single one - nice long slow runs that are easy to hit, safer rig as well. Forgot to take a photo of the fish, but am hoping to break my PB again there soon!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Fishing - Lodge

Mainly a carp pool but in a good secluded location with some big Bream as well. Bream came straight to the method fished near the dam in the morning, culminating in a PB of 5.5 lbs, with another 4.5 lb and 5 lb fish as well. Float didn’t do much but there were plenty of small roach to catch when the method was slow.


A good day in all – I want to return properly targeting the bream, which apparently run to 12 lbs or more.

Fishing - Stockbridge Pond

A really nice secluded lake surrounds by trees with lots of lilies. A total absence of the carp brigade with their bivvies and buzzers, just a few old boys mainly fishing the waggler. Float was lively all day on the Crucians, but never got very big. Nonetheless having not caught them before my PB was a ½ lb or so.


The method was quieter save for some big pull rounds that infuriatingly broke me twice when I struck into them. Overhand loops seemed to be the culprit – I need to change that knot. However I finally hit one fish which did me straight into the lilies and locked up. Luckily patience and allowing it to take line then going back in hard freed it and I finally slipped the net under a 2 ¼ lb (1KG) tench – the first of the year and as I can’t remember the last time I caught one, a PB! It fell to the method and hair rigged 10mm fish boilie.


Definitely want to go back specifically targeting tench and was a delightful venue and I think there is more to come given I got smashed twice. There are no bream and only two carp in the place.

Fishing - Winchfield and Badshot Lea big

Started at the small Winchfield Farm pond out of curiosity, a very tricky place. Not a touch on the float all morning and too deep to really fish effectively. Nothing in a long method on the carp rod cast across to the far bank either. A small method up next to the memorial island finally got a twitch on maggots but nothing came of it. Then later in the morning the rod smashed round into what must have been a big carp. It stripped line straight away but then the reel locked and while I was fumbling with the drag to see what was wrong it broke me at the hook knot. Turns out the line clip was still on that I had so as not to hit the island – a stupid mistake but I’ll know next time. Following, I’ve stopped using the line clip for casting for fear of it happening again – there’s no substitute for good old fashioned accurate casting.


Given that was all that happened I called it a day at midday and headed off to explore some other waters. I may return again out of curiosity and just to get a fish on the bank, but it’s not a bagging venue and you have to work hard.


I went first to Stillwater front and back but was depressed to find it was carp central with nothing but bivvies rod pods everywhere.  I also popped into Wyke Farm but the three people already fishing had filled the venue.. Looked nice though so I’ll head there for a pleasure day at some point. Finally I arrive at Badshot Lea and looked round the big pit, small pit and Kings Pond. All looked pretty good and while there was the usual majority of carpers there were some interesting looking spots, so I stayed and set up near the car park. I’d left rods up and out them in the holdall so was up and running straight away with a method to the reeds and float just in front as was very deep. Touches on the method straight away was very pleased to bank another 5.5lb bream as the first fish. A perch of about a pound followed, but then it was just a few carp to about 7.5 lbs. A good day at Badshot all in all with a really nice sunny evening when I got the photos.

Fishing - Warren then back to Badshot Lea

So for final day of my four day marathon I decided I ought to check Warren and Tarn as they were the last two open waters I hadn’t seen. I didn’t hold much hope as there were only 8 swims, 4 of which were available for night fishing. Turned up just gone 8am and sure enough there was the usual bivvy village but seemed a nice enough bunch, a very different feel to Stillwater. Turns out chatting to one of the guys that he’d had a load of good bream (to his annoyance!), overnight and one carp. The place wasn’t advertised as having bream so was a pleasant surprise and I decided to give it a go despite the slightly cramped swims with low overhead branches. I chucked a method 2/3 the way across and noticed the line wouldn’t sink. I then set up the float and plumbed, only to find there was no more than 2 feet of water anywhere! I then got pretty much pushed out the swim by a whinging carp bloke I half said I’d give it to so moved down closer the carpers in a muddy swim not holding much hope. Float was useless with so little water so just fished a method. However when a swan turned up and nonchalantly started eating my feed off the bottom as it was only a few inches down I decided it was a lost cause and packed up.

I’ve no idea how he caught the bream as looking more closely I could see the bottom all over the lake. I shan’t be going back there in a hurry for sure, however Tarn next door looks better with  some proper depth on a brief inspection. Shall give it a go when it opens.

So I headed back to Badshot lea big and set up exactly where I was before on the same tactics. This time the float was much more lively and I was very pleased with a trio of bigger perch running to just over pound and one small bream / skimmer. It got hard though and having scaled up to size 12 with meat to hopefully catch a bigger perch it went quiet. I then found the only way I could get bites was to go back to a size 18 with single caster but then despite being confident were very hard to hit. I hooked a couple but never saw what they were before they came off, frustrating. Meanwhile the method produced a couple of fish but unfortunately just carp. The first was a horrible fat dumpy thing of about 5lbs then a better fish of 8.5 lbs which took me a while to land on lighter tackle, both mirrors. Couldn’t raise the tench or bream though unfortunately.

I think Badshot Lea needs further investigation for its perch, I think it would be hard to properly target tench and bream for all the small carp kicking about. The small pit will probably be worth a look as well.

And there ends the marathon! Was very annoying my new quiver rod didn’t arrive in time and I need to find some more flat bed elasticated method feeders, preferably the new Guru safety ones. I think some early mornings are in order a la Wilson for the bream and tench quest as well....