Wednesday 6 May 2009

Fishing - Winchfield and Badshot Lea big

Started at the small Winchfield Farm pond out of curiosity, a very tricky place. Not a touch on the float all morning and too deep to really fish effectively. Nothing in a long method on the carp rod cast across to the far bank either. A small method up next to the memorial island finally got a twitch on maggots but nothing came of it. Then later in the morning the rod smashed round into what must have been a big carp. It stripped line straight away but then the reel locked and while I was fumbling with the drag to see what was wrong it broke me at the hook knot. Turns out the line clip was still on that I had so as not to hit the island – a stupid mistake but I’ll know next time. Following, I’ve stopped using the line clip for casting for fear of it happening again – there’s no substitute for good old fashioned accurate casting.


Given that was all that happened I called it a day at midday and headed off to explore some other waters. I may return again out of curiosity and just to get a fish on the bank, but it’s not a bagging venue and you have to work hard.


I went first to Stillwater front and back but was depressed to find it was carp central with nothing but bivvies rod pods everywhere.  I also popped into Wyke Farm but the three people already fishing had filled the venue.. Looked nice though so I’ll head there for a pleasure day at some point. Finally I arrive at Badshot Lea and looked round the big pit, small pit and Kings Pond. All looked pretty good and while there was the usual majority of carpers there were some interesting looking spots, so I stayed and set up near the car park. I’d left rods up and out them in the holdall so was up and running straight away with a method to the reeds and float just in front as was very deep. Touches on the method straight away was very pleased to bank another 5.5lb bream as the first fish. A perch of about a pound followed, but then it was just a few carp to about 7.5 lbs. A good day at Badshot all in all with a really nice sunny evening when I got the photos.

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